Individual Casual Fisher Passenger Information
Where does Seasprite Charters depart from?
Z Pier Charter Base
Westhaven Marina
Westhaven Drive
St Marys Bay
You can search Google Maps for SEASPRITE CHARTERS to get directions.
Here is a map of Westhaven Marina. Please note that Z Pier is situated further around from the other piers.
When driving to Westhaven Marina, turn into Westhaven Drive off Beaumont Street & look for the Westhaven Z Pier Charter Base on your right (signposted with a blue & white sign). The Z Pier carpark is where the main Westhaven trailer boat ramp is located. When you arrive in the carpark at Z Pier you will see the Z Pier Building ahead.
Seasprite II is located down the ramp on the LEFT-HAND side of the building.

Parking Arrangements
Parking at the marina is payment via app INUGO. The Council Parking Enforcement Officer regularly checks the cars parked in the car park so please ensure that you pay enough parking for while you are out on charter, otherwise you will get a ticket and/or towed.
What to bring with you
Sun hat, suntan lotion, sunglasses, clothing appropriate for weather conditions and snacks.
Please be ready to board the boat 15 minutes prior to departure time for pre-departure safety briefing.
Hire Rods/Reels
Passengers are expected to show due care and respect to the hire equipment. Damage or loss by careless use will be charged to the hirer at actual cost. Use of the rod & reel indicates acceptance of this condition.
Recommended Fishing Tackle
For those bringing their own tackle, bring a 10-15kg outfit loaded with monofilament and 50lb or 60lb leader material. It is important that you bring 10oz reef sinkers as we are fishing in deeper water most of the time. Ideal rig is a Ledger Rig or Snapper Flasher - 2 hooks maximum. No one is allowed to fish with more than 1 rod at a time. BRAID IS NOT PERMITTED on general fishing trips. It is impossible to untangle and dangerous to handle.
Recommended Bait
If you are bringing your own tackle, you must bring your own bait as well. We recommend Pilchards and Mullet – NO SQUID. Please note that we do not allow chilly bins to be brought aboard. Any bait must be in soft-sided chiller bag or similar.
All snapper caught is put in the shared catch bin for even distribution amongst anglers. Any snapper over 40cm will be tagged with angler’s name. Other species caught is tagged with angler’s name.
For those who are having the BBQ beef burger lunch, you only need to bring along any snacks you want to eat during the day.
For those who chose to BYO lunch, you need to bring a prepared lunch. There is no BYO food for the BBQ.
BYO Snacks.
Alcohol Policy
Seasprite II has an alcohol licence & is a responsible host. Your safety is of our paramount concern. Intoxicated persons will not be permitted to board the boat. No alcohol to be consumed on board before lunch.
No BYO alcohol on Individual or Casual Fisher trips. Alcohol must be purchased on board. Please note, there are no eftpos facilities on the boat, payment by CASH only.
Illegal Substances
No illegal substances are to be brought aboard Seasprite II.
Chilly Bins
NO CHILLY BINS to be brought aboard. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR CHILLY BINS IN YOUR CAR until we return to assist us in complying with our Workplace Safety requirements. This enables us to have a totally uncluttered deck with nothing unsecured and minimal trip hazards. We have large ice bins on board. Fish are kept in a slurry to maximise quality and taste, and we provide you with a sturdy plastic bag to take your catch to your car.
Food can be put in soft-sided chiller bags.
Filleting is not permitted on the boat. The charity Kai Ika operates in the carpark and offer filleting services at reasonable prices. If you plan on getting your catch filleted, we suggest you bring some large snap-lock bags to put your fillets in.
Before leaving port you will be given a short safety briefing. We request that all passengers observe the safety guidelines. Seasprite Charters and any employee thereof are not responsible for any personal loss or injury incurred by passengers while on board the boat.
Medical Condition
If you have a medical condition, please declare this to a member of our crew on boarding. This is so we can best ensure your safety while aboard our vessel.
New or never been fishing before?
Let us know so we can help you increase your changes of catching fish.